Sunday 24 June 2012


Nowadays, Internet has changed the way news is delivered. Internet also has no independent observers in which the users browse the website without limitation. It never has borders unless it was restrict to be seen or read. Readers can glance through as many information they want to know to judge, researching or to discover the truth. Whatever topic or issues been played in mainstream media, it will same goes to the online journalism. The issue or the main title is focusing on the same thing but the content is totally different than the mainstream media. At this present time, online journalism have its own followers especially the teenagers who are more exposed to the online version compared to mainstream media. Even doing assignment they are often uses the online journalism to search any information or read current issues. It is free and more effective to obtain quick information. As we can see, the mainstream media is always dominated by the adults. This is the reality because as I worked last three months at 7-Eleven, I’ve seen it is rare to see the teenagers buy the newspaper compared to the adults who favour read the newspaper in the car, office, ‘kedai kopi’ or other places that is more comforting.

Yes! In this 21st century, the online journalism is growing like mushrooms after rain where its use is widespread but it is less credible than the mainstream media. Why I said so because the power of the mainstream media is still physically powerful as a good reference to the readers and valid. Even there are gatekeepers who control the information conveyance to the readers but the mainstream media are still able to influence the reader’s belief, to persuade the reader’s emotion and change their perception about some facts. If any facts, stories or issues that are written on purpose to mislead, manipulate, or personal aggravate the opposition parties would have received wide coverage in online journalism. They will give their views and attacking the government for actions that are not relevant. What I want to say that the mainstream media is the cause of the issues in online journalism even the way they deliver the message is unlike.

Besides, the credibility of the online journalism is less than mainstream media because the bad thing about online journalism is that it can influence the community to believe in something that is not sure its truth. They can give their opinion with grandiloquent but without evidence. So, the facts are not applicable and misjudge. Even the mainstream media is bias but people still buy, read and accept as true about the facts of some issues. The mainstream media is an authoritative medium even the technology of the future is being more advance to their readers and it is no doubt.      

As the conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the mainstream media is still the first choice of the people even to me it is a good reference because of its credibility and established. The facts of the online journalism if can’t be control it could harm the peaceful and sensitivity some people as the Malaysian is a multiracial country but it does not mean that the online journalism is bad. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages.    

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